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Visit to the location of the future passenger terminal in Banoštor

Director of the Port Governance Agency, Vuk Perović, and the Assistant Minister of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure, Predrag Petrović, visited Banoštor. On this occasion, they discussed the project of building an international passenger terminal in Banostor with representatives of the Beočin municipality.

It was announced that, in the coming period, a Contract regulating mutual rights and obligations between the Ministry of Tourism and Youth, the Beočin municipality, the Port Governance Agency, and the Directorate for Inland Waterways would be signed. This contract represents the first step in the realization of this infrastructure project.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that the construction of the terminal in Banoštor is one of the activities within the capital project "Sail through Serbia."

Participants in the meeting agreed that the new destination for cruises on the Danube would significantly contribute to better results of nautical seasons in Serbia. It also has the potential to develop liner traffic between Beočin, Novi Sad, and Sremski Karlovci, connecting attractions in Vojvodina along the Danube.

Important informations