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PGA Representatives in Rotterdam

Representatives of Port Governance Agency participated in the two-day conference "TEN - T days" held in Rotterdam, under the Dutch presidency of the Council of Europe.
The theme of the conference which was attended by more than 3,000 participants is the financing of transport infrastructure as well as a way to stimulate the development of the European economy through investments in transport infrastructure.
As noted in the conference, the instruments for achieving this goal are offered through various programs such as "Investment Plan for Europe" or "Connecting Europe Facility".
During the two-day conference the numerous panel discussions were held, including a panel on transport of Rhine-Danube corridor. This panel, which is of great importance for water traffic in Serbia, attended the European coordinator of this corridor, Mrs. Karla Peis, a representative of the European Parliament, Director of the Danube Commission as well as the coordinator of the priority areas 1b of the Danube Strategy.
It was concluded that for the further development of transport on the Danube is necessary first of all to remove the existing bottlenecks, and provide the appropriate depth of the waterway for smooth and safe performance of traffic in critical sectors.

PGA Representatives in Rotterdam

Important informations