• Đerdap
  • Fotografija AUL
  • Luka Beograd
  • Reka
  • Golubac

Final conference of the DIONYSUS project

The conference which announced the completion of the DIONYSUS project was held in Constanta. The project will officially end on December 31 of this year.

The event was attended by representatives of the Joint Secretariat of the Danube Transnational Program, the Danube Commission, the Port Governance Agency (IPA partner on the mentioned project) and the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. They assessed that DIONYSUS is of great importance for further connecting and improving the Danube region. Achieving the goals of the project, above all the inclusion of Danube ports in multimodal transport chains, will enable the development of port activity and industry in the hinterland, the speakers agreed.

Representatives of the Agency, which was the leader of the work package "Danube River and Sea Ports - Analyzes and Recommendations", presented the implemented activities. The most important activities were related to the analysis of port tariffs, digitization in ports, infrastructural connectivity and opportunities for multimodality development, as well as the organization of two regional workshops and a meeting of project partners.

The results and recommendations achieved during the duration of the DIONYSUS project will contribute to making the ports on the Danube efficient, better connected and integrated transport hubs, it was concluded at the meeting.

Important informations