Establishment of the ‘’Danube ports network’’ - priority in 2018

Partners meetings within the project ‘’DAPhNE’’ were held in Galati, Romania, from 14th to 15th of February. Representatives of Port Governance Agency attended the meetings, since Agency is an IPA partner on this project.

On the first day of the meeting, the activities and goals achieved during 2017 were considered. All partners agreed that the previous period was effectual, that all the foreseen tasks were fulfilled in time, and expressed their confidence that the second year of the project would be equally successful.

On the second day, the initial meeting of the ‘’Danube Ports Network’’ was held. The port network consists of all partners in the project "DAPhNE" and represents one of the results of the project. The establishment of such a network is of great importance for the Danube region, as it encourages the exchange of experiences and the continuous cooperation among the ports on the Danuberiver. "By connecting the ports to the joint network, we will significantly improve the Danube navigation. We want all the Danube ports to become important economic hubs, which will contribute to the development of the economy and the creation of new jobs’’, it is pointed out on the meeting.

Important informations