• Đerdap
  • Fotografija AUL
  • Luka Beograd
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  • Golubac

Amended procedure for granting approval for establishment of temporary transshipment sites

According to the conclusion of the meeting that was held with representatives of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and Water Directorate, Port Governance Agency amended the procedure for granting authorization for the establishment of temporary transshipment sites. Port Governance Agency, in the previous proceedings will determine whether the applicant has a water approval, and in this regard economic entities in the first stage of the procedure for granting authorization for the establishment of TTS, in addition to the request and Transport technological studies will be required to submit a water approval. If the applicant has not submitted the required consent, Port Governance Agency will immediately dismiss such a request or require additional documentation.

The procedure for granting authorization for the establishment of a temporary transhipment sites can be downloaded here.

Important informations